5 Reasons You Should Work With An Investor Instead of An Agent To Sell Your Los Angeles House

by | Sep 30, 2023

It may already be the right time to sell your house, but you’re not sure if hiring an agent is the right move. You don’t want to pay for any unnecessary commissions, and you want to know exactly how long it will take from listing to closing. And what about repairs? Are you able? Or willing? If any (or all) of these concerns are running through your head, keep reading to see if an investor is the better choice for you!

No Property Showings

You won’t ever have to go through roller coasters of emotions if you sell your home directly to a real estate investor in Los Angeles, California. There are no aggravating middle-of-dinner phone conversations getting asked if you’re free to show your property. No sudden calls when you’re on a busy commute, taking care of the family, or during an important meeting.

You don’t have to think about potentially running into a buyer’s agent or their clients, or dealing with them asking questions that you shouldn’t be answering anyways. An investor is more interested in making a financial decision with your home, and keeping the process simple is beneficial for all parties involved.

No Commissions or Fees

Real estate agents charge commissions when you sell your home. Most real estate agents charge 3% of the total value of the home per side, so if you sell your house for $400,000, you would have to pay $24,000 in commissions! Additionally, there are also the traditional seller’s closing fees and other possible transaction fees for the closing agent and the real estate agent’s office.

It stands to reason that working with an investor means you don’t have to pay for commissions, then! That equals hundreds of dollars in savings! A real estate investor typically doesn’t charge commission or transaction fees — and if they do, it is significantly lower than what is charged by most sellers.

Waiting Time Frame

Real estate agents can use the MLS, or Multiple Listing Service, to show your property in searches for specific qualities in a home. This may seem like a good idea, but how long will it stay on the market? How soon before you get bids? On the other hand, a real estate investor or other direct house purchasers often have access to a network of other home buyers, so if your property does not fit their portfolio, they can refer you to another seller they know.

Because of this, you won’t have to wait long to receive an offer. Moreover, when you sell your house in Los Angeles, directly to an investor instead of through a real estate agent, they are more likely to pay with cash and close faster than traditional buyers. You’ll usually need to get qualifications from banks, not to mention mortgage underwriting time, and property inspections. There are plenty of delays in traditional purchasing processes, and your buyer may not even end up qualifying in the end!

Inspections & Repairs

In most cases, a real estate investor in California will buy properties as-is. This means you won’t have to worry about repairs or other extra work before closing. There are some firms that do not even need an inspection — making it a truly as-is deal for the buyer. A typical agent will almost always request an inspection when you work with them. They may demand that you fix anything wrong with the home’s structure before the closing if they find something they don’t like about it. An investor is willing to take on the risk that comes with the property, in the hopes of better returns down the road.

More time to move

You will most likely have time after the closing to relocate when you sell your Los Angeles house through an investor rather than a real estate agent. When you deal with an agent in Los Angeles, you’re usually expected to vacate the home on or before the closing date because it’s expected that any repairs and cleaning up would be your responsibility. But with an investor, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up or making any repairs when we buy your property. We’ll handle everything so you can move on with your life!


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